Hey Newgrounds,
Today I was searching what flash movies I should delete and...I found one old game that I started to make and I never continued this game.
So I decided to continue this game and I'll try to make it awesome^^
Of course the begining of this game will be a bit nooby but after I'll continue it it wont be so nooby(I mean only about the pictures and animation)
I have no idea when I'll submit it to NG..and thats it.
about Sasuke Shorts 4, me and kking decided that we'll work on it together, I'll make the backgrounds and he'll make the animation and the characters(its gonna be AWESOME!!)
If you want, you can give me ideas for sasuke shorts 4 or ideas for my old new game.
Hope yourgame will be awsome.....
thx kking.......
I'll try to make it awesome.....
thx for the comment anyway =]
Kruger93(also known as someone who surprised that kking didnt write this "also known as")